Joel Rendón Vázquez studied at the National School of Paintings, Sculpture and Print Making “La Esmeralda” in Mexico City. He does his MFA at the San Carlos Academy (UNAM) from 2006-2008. Collaborates to proliferate print making techniques and in 2001 he does a print making introduction book-manual for children in the state of Puebla. He has taught introduction courses to print making in USA, Mexico, and in Parma, Italy. Joel’s prints have been included in the following magazines: Escala, Matíz, Playboy, Artes de México and Letras Libres as well as publishing houses such are Fondo de Cultura Económica, CONACULTA, Universidad de Chapingo, UNAM and Alfaguara. He received numerous prizes in Habana, Guadalajara, Ciudad de Mexico, Nueva York and Aguascalientes while receiving FONCA grants for prints and multimedia. Participates in artists residencies in Chicago, USA, and Alberta, Canada and exhibits in Africa, Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Spain, Unites States, Holland, Puerto Rico, Colombia and México.
Joel Rendon • Atamemetzin, 2018 Linocut
The Waterman trade is a popular character in Mexico, who has to take upon his shoulders huge clay jugs filled with water brought from wells and aguajes to sell among the population rural and urban communities. His image is one of the iconic figures that has been represented at different time periods and places. The oldest and most widespread are the images in the murals of the Cholula pyramid. With the arrival of printing techniques after the Spanish conquest we find prints created by Linatti, Iriarte and Casimiro Castro in the 19th century as evidence of this trade. Aquarius, zodiac symbol in Western cultures, is responsible for carrying water to the stars and was supposedly adopted by the hippie culture as the “age of spirituality,” since 1962. The image I developed for this portfolio of water in the 21st century pays homage to the essential worker of water the Great Lord Atamemetzin.
$ 275.00
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