Hay golpes en la vida, tan fuertes… ¡Yo no sé! Golpes como del odio de Dios; como si ante ellos, la resaca de todo lo sufrido se empozara en el alma… ¡Yo no sé! Son pocos; pero son… Abren zanjas oscuras en el rostro más fiero y en el lomo más fuerte. Serán tal vez los potros de bárbaros Atilas; o los heraldos negros que nos manda la Muerte.
There are in life such hard blows . . . I don’t know! Blows seemingly from God’s wrath; as if before them the undertow of all our sufferings is embedded in our souls . . . I don’t know!
There are few; but are . . . opening dark furrows in the fiercest of faces and the strongest of loins, They are perhaps the colts of barbaric Attilas or the dark heralds Death sends us. (by César Vallejo – Los heraldos negros)
Dolores Mercado (b. Jalisco, México) studied art at The School of Visual Arts of the University of Guadalajara, the National Institute of Fine Arts “La Esmeralda” in Mexico City, and has also taken courses at “La Academia de San Carlos” from the UNAM in Mexico City. From 1999 to 2006 she was the host of two live talk art radio programs “Camino Tierra Adentro” and “Alquimia” at WRTE 90.5 FM. Since 1997 she has worked for the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago. She has exhibited in Mexico, Spain, the United States, Nicaragua and Canada.