Joel Rendón Vazquez • Moctezuma Supersticioso (Supersticious Moctezuma), Linocut, 2016

The theme that I addressed is on the superstitions of Moctezuma and how they became omens. I am interested in illustrating the vision of the Comet which appeared in the skies of the great Tenochtitlan, 10 years before the arrival of the Spaniards in the Anahuac. Author Sahagun says in his book “General History of the Things of New Spain”: Ten years before the Spaniards arrived there was a baleful omen in the sky. There was something like a spike of fire, one as a flame of fire, one as aurora: displayed as if it were dripping, as if it were piercing the sky. When it was shown there were general disturbances: people there were slapping their lips. There were great upset; they made endless comments

$ 275.00

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Joel Rendón Vázquez studied at the National School of Paintings, Sculpture and Print Making “La Esmeralda” in Mexico City. He does his MFA at the San Carlos Academy (UNAM) from 2006-2008. Collaborates to proliferate print making techniques and in 2001 he does a print making introduction book-manual for children in the state of Puebla. He has taught introduction courses to print making in USA, Mexico, and in Parma, Italy. Joel’s prints have been included in the following magazines: Escala, Matíz, Playboy, Artes de México and Letras Libres as well as publishing houses such are Fondo de Cultura Económica, CONACULTA, Universidad de Chapingo, UNAM and Alfaguara. He received numerous prizes in Habana, Guadalajara, Ciudad de Mexico, Nueva York and Aguascalientes while receiving FONCA grants for prints and multimedia. Participates in artists residencies in Chicago, USA, and Alberta, Canada and exhibits in Africa, Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Spain, Unites States, Holland, Puerto Rico, Colombia and México.



Superstitions Vol 1




Joel Rendón Vázquez