Amanda L. Hoopingarner, Chicago, IL, An Absent Nectar Serigraph

Nectar is living-
nectar is murderous, savage, threatening.
Pitcher plants secrete a nectar that both lures in prey and digests them; under the guise of providing nourishment, life is taken- Our world, our system, is this.
It takes,
Life deserving of living under the false pretenses of “Liberty for all”.
Cages are constructed- beings trapped, animalized on the border- beings incarcerated based on a profile, falsification, suspicion not fact. Breathing becomes the cage.
Black, brown, color carved out of the timeline.
Cactus is endurance,
it is water.
It stands against the elements, pushing back as the seconds dry. This is the fight to live on fallow ground; a soil lacking quality, equity, air…
We will continue to turn the dirt; stir up what’s accepted, moving what’s been pushed beneath to the surface.
Fighting strength.


Amanda Hoopingarner is an interdisciplinary artist with an emphasis in printmaking, ceramics and textile work. She is currently researching bodily memory and craft through the marriage of human and botanical form. Utilizing the intertwining parallels between a plant’s function and folklore with the history and markings of the human body, she invents a wholly new plant life as well as their written lore. Hoopingarner was born and raised in California. She received her Undergraduate degree in Studio Arts at UC Santa Cruz in 2016 and her Master’s Degree in Print Media at SAIC in 2020. Her print work has been archived in Special Collections at UCSC as well as the Chancellor’s event of 2016. In addition, she also attended the Mas Els Igols Artist Residency in Spain, was the visiting artist leading a community based print class through the Mingei Museum in San Diego, Ca, a recipient of the Professional Women’s Round Table Grant in California and the receiving artist for the Pritzker Fellowship.

Click here to visit Amanda’s website





The Dream Deferred


Amanda L. Hoopingarner